The Cracks the Light Shines Through
“Ring the bells that still can ring
forget your perfect offering
there’s a crack in everything
that’s how the light gets in”
-Leonard Cohen
What a soulful service! Inspired by these Leonard Cohen lyrics, we delved
deep to look for where the light shines through the cracks in our lives. Schuyler Vogel shared a story of working as a youth group advisor, and of a youth group member who was dealing with depression. To Schuyler’s surprise, the youth asked to tell his story to the other members of the group, sharing with them his struggles with despair. The light did come in: the teens in the youth group held this hurting young man and came together to support him.
Linda Simmons, a newly fellowshipped minister (go, Linda!!), shared her story of receiving a scary diagnosis that would require intense surgery. In the days after the diagnosis, Linda would wander around Downtown Boston – she yearned to be among the throngs of people. One day, she found herself in Macy’s, and as she was passing through the makeup counters, a clerk stopped her and said, “You look so sad. Why don’t you come and sit down, and I’ll give you a free facial.”
Linda sat down. As she worked on Linda, the clerk asked, “Why are you so sad?” Linda told her about her diagnosis, and about how scared she felt. The clerk did her best to reassure Linda that she’d make it through – the clerk told Linda all about the friends and family members who had battled health issues and thrived despite it. “You come back and see me any time for another free facial,” said the clerk. “I want to hear how your treatment’s going and how you’re doing.” This clerk, through her kindness attention, and human touch, brought the light into a very dark time for Linda.
We celebrated the light in song. Matt Meyer led us in a medley of “Yonder
Come Day” and “I Know This Rose Will Open”, Zach Kerzee performed a rockin’ version of Leonard Cohen’s “Anthem,” Mark David Buckles and Joanna Lubkin performed “Don’t Be Afraid” by The Paper Raincoat, and we, of course, ended with an unleashed version of “This Little Light of Mine.”
Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.